Sport Sciences and Health


Our faculty conducting research in variety of areas within sport and health. Research at the Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences focuses on physical activity, health and wellbeing, taking into account people’s whole life course. The aim is to increase research knowledge that supports the promotion of health and physical activity and increases the individual and societal benefits of physical activity.

Research in the department of Biological Sciences in Sport aims to produce knowledge about the functional and adaptation mechanisms of the physiological system to exercise training. The main focus of research in this department is on the different disciplines including cardiovascular, neuromuscular and metabolic system adaptations to exercise as well as principles of training.  


In the Department of Cognitive and Behavioral Sciences and Technology in Sport our research encompasses three main disciplines including Motor Control, Motor Development, and Sport Psychology. Generally, the aim is to investigate different aspects of motor control, motor learning, motor development, and psychology in response to exercise.


Department of Sport Rehabilitation and Health produces knowledge through research in the field of corrective exercise, sport injury, adapted physical education and rehabilitation programs. Their research is focused on wellbeing, and health among different special groups.


Our research in the Department of Sport Management and Media aims to further the knowledge in the field of Sport Marketing, Sport media, Sport Events, and Strategic Plans.